This Go Getter, determined and decisive, astonishes all in her path!
Birds of a Feather /
Definitely decisive and yet unpredictable, she exudes confidence and strength. So self assured, so classy, so sassy…An advisor and an advocate to all who are lucky enough to call her friend.
Courage /
Repeatedly facing danger throughout his career now bravely and quietly bares his soul as an artist..a writer for all to know…truly courageous!
Goddess of Grace /
Heather, Goddess of Grace - who does it all without missing a beat or batting an eyelash. Grounded, present, interested...and always in complete equilibrium and calm.
One can not but be awed in her presence.
Awaiting the Future /
Mayeli – Wise for her years, with a beauty and elegance which lies equally beneath as on the surface. Steadfast, kind, ethical and gentle. A seeker of happiness, she patiently awaits the future.
Wedding Bells /
Sincere, smart, and sensitive are the standout qualities in Lynn which surface immediately. Expressing the joy and happiness she felt at her daughter's wedding was my goal.
Notetaker Extraordinaire /
Barb Notetaker Extraordinaire...; elegant and refined, and with such resolve always radiates an atmosphere of total repose.
The Correspondent /
By Wendy Ackerman
This is a portrait of my childhood friend, Diane, who reached out to me after forty-plus years. We have established a wonderful adult friendship because she corresponded. This painting represents then and now, recalling both the street we grew up on, and a recent visit.
Thank you, Diane!!
The Shekinah /
By Wendy Ackerman
I know Shelley as both a scholar and a spiritual soul whose essence like the Shekinah ushers in the peace and calm of Shabbat.
Gardener of Perception /
By Wendy Ackerman
Surrounded by a favorite element – flowers, Kerri tends to those she loves with deep perception and affection.
The Go-Getter /
By Wendy Ackerman
What fun to create portraits of those I know…to convey their character from my perception. Emphasizing their personalities using gestural pose, composition, facial expression, and color I begin.My first subject is a woman who embodies Super Powers to accomplish all, totally committed to issues and people she believes in.With grace, dignity, compassion, and a ‘Yes’ attitude this ‘Go Getter ‘ ‘Sets The Bar’!!